Thursday, December 24, 2009

Does anyone have an authenic lasagna recipe?

I am looking for a really good authenic lasagna recipe. Everytime I make lasagna at home the sauce is very runny after it cooks. I would like to improve my recipe, but I need advice from someone who knows how to make good lasagna.

PLEASE NO STUPID ANSWERS OR USELESS COMMENTS.Does anyone have an authenic lasagna recipe?
Italian Baked Lasagna


1 lb. Lasagna pasta noodles, cooked

2-16 oz. jars meatless sauce

1 lb. Ricotta cheese

1/2 C. grated Parmesan cheese

1 lb. Mozzarella cheese, sliced thin

3/4 C. chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, chopped or minced

2 tsp. salt

2 eggs, beaten

2 lbs. ground beef

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

Cooking Directions

1. Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions or until tender but still firm. Drain, keep warm.

2. Meanwhile, saute the ground beef, garlic and onion is a large heavy skillet or saucepan until beef is done. Add sauce, salt, and Italian seasoning and mix well. Simmer on low heat 12 to 15 minutes. In a separate bowl, combine eggs and ricotta cheese.

3. Grease a 15'; x 12'; or larger, deep sided baking pan. Arrange a first layer of noodles across the pan so the ends hang over the sides. (The ends will be laid back-over the top for the final layer. This helps to hold lasagna together when cutting servings) Then add a layer of the cooked beef sauce, ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. Add a second alternating layer of pasta (lengthwise in the pan), the meat sauce and cheese mixture. Repeat until pan is almost full then fold over the ends of the first layer of noodles and top with more lasagna sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes, or till cheese is bubbly.

Allow to set for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting. This recipe can be modified to suit individual preferences.Does anyone have an authenic lasagna recipe?
okay.. this recepie says to beat two eggs and add the ricotta cheese... then do you just put that mix like that in the lasagna?? like the raw eggs like that?!??

I have never cooked lasagne before.. it just sounds weird. Report Abuse


500 grams lean ground beef

1 large onion, chopped

2 tbs olive oil

2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

454 grams can Italian tomatoes, chopped

1 tablespoon tomato puree


200 grams uncooked dried lasagna

75 grams mozzarella, sliced

50 grams Romana or Parmesan cheese, grated


Fry the onion in the olive oil until transparent, then add the beef, continuing to fry and stir the meat to break it up. Add the garlic. Keep on a high heat until all the meat has browned and any juices have reduced significantly. Add the tomatoes and puree, bring to the boil again, then simmer gently, stirring occasionally, for around 45 minutes. Add a little water if the mixture begins to stick on the pan. It should end with a loose but rich consistency.

Take a large, square flattish ovenproof dish which can take around 2 litres. Make a thin layer of the meat mixture across the base, then a layer of the dried pasta, then meat, and alternate until the final layer is one of the meat sauce. Lay slices of mozzarella across the top, and sprinkle with the grated Parmesan. Cover the dish and bake at 175C for 25 minutes, uncover, and brown at 225C for 10 mins.


and try using tomato paste in your sauce.
One thing my mother always did when her lasagna got a little runny, was to poor the sauce into a saucepan and as it boils, she would add instant mashed potatoes to it. It not only thickened it but in some way added a special flavor without making it tast like potatoes, don't know how that does that, but I always use that tidbit when I make mine. Just don't go overboard with the instant mashed potatoes because it will thicker again when the sauce is placed back on top and placed into the oven! I learned the hard way my first time!
If you want your sauce to be thicker, use tomato paste.

Email me for my recipe.
I am not a famous chef or Italian, but I just make pasta with a little bit of experimentation!

I like to use fresh tomatoes and basil, with fresh garlic to make the sauce, which if you cook it slowly in a pan will condense, sometimes I add some red wine and mushrooms.

I let the meat simmer in the sauce for it to go nice and thick, you can add tomatoe puree if you want maybe experiment with some other herbs

I use layers, such as some sauteed potatos , maybe a mushroom layer and mixed in with my meats and sauce, the top is always fresh cheese

If your feeling rich blue stilton added in (especially if u used a nice red wine work)

then bake until golden

Just recipe off my head

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