Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why do so many lasagna recipes use cottage cheese instead of ricotta?

I could never follow the reason/s. Cottage cheese seems to have very little flavor plus an odd texture when put in lasagna, so why?

I'm not trying to bash anyone's methods, I just don't get it.Why do so many lasagna recipes use cottage cheese instead of ricotta?
I think Ricotta tastes better too, but cottage cheese is easier to find and inexpensive,Why do so many lasagna recipes use cottage cheese instead of ricotta?
Cottage cheese is cheaper. That is the number one reason I prefer to use it. But I often add one layer or ricotta and one layer of cottage just to have both. Most people have cottage cheese around their house anyway just to eat, so it makes it easier to make lasagna with it.

To me Ricotta versus cottage cheese is a tie in lasagna. But cost and availability puts cottage cheese over the top.

The other necessary ingredients for lasagna? Ground meat of some kind, a $1 box of noodles, and some cheap spagetti sauce. If you use cottage cheese, it is cheap and the ingredients are already in many houses! Except the noodles, which are very cheap and keep forever.
I've never heard of this, but I'm guessing maybe it's a health thing? Like anal liberal hippie America and their health nut ways trying to ruin a perfectly good thing like ricotta cheese in lasagna? Sounds nasty to me though, cottage cheese is very wet and not a lot of flavor.

I don't know, I actually grew up in CA and always always had ricotta cheese in lasagna, both at restaurants and home made.

Our family actually went in the opposite direction. About 10 years ago my aunts started making lasagna with cream cheese IN ADDITION to ricotta. Sounds gross but oddly enough it tastes pretty good, my mom now makes it that way too. Ah ohh.. I bet it's so unhealthy but it's so yummy!
My personal thing is I don't like a lot of ricotta cheese. so every other cheese layer I alternate between ricotta and cottage cheese and I don't think you lose the flavor or texture when you alternate. Just my humble opinion though
I think it's just an American thing that got started because it was probably more difficult to find ricotta (or more expensive) ';back in the day';. BTW, I am American and grew up eating lasagna made with cottage cheese.
i use cottage chesse and ricotta chesse mixed together my reason because cottage chesse is cheaper than ricotta and to me there is not taste difference when mixed together
You know I always use ricotta but now that I think of it cottage cheese would probably be easier to spread evenly. I try spreading ricotta and can never get it even. Cottage cheese kinda grosses me out though...
Cottage cheese is more widely available in north america.
Same reason you hide the Chivas when relatives come over.
To make it more thicker but you dont have to use it. I dont like that type of cheese
cottage cheese is cheaper then ricotta
ummm.. i dont really know.. i havent heard of that though. sorry. google it?
WTF cookbook are you reading?

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