Sunday, December 20, 2009

What are some excellent vegetarian lasagna recipes?

I would like to get a meatless lasagna recipe that isn't too spicy, but still has a lot of flavor and veggies. Please help me out!What are some excellent vegetarian lasagna recipes?
Roasted Veggie Lasagna鈥?/a>What are some excellent vegetarian lasagna recipes?
substitute the meat with grated tofu

add a layer of thinly sliced zucchini and eggplant

you can also add spinach or fresh tomatoes if you like
Instead of using ground beef you can use egg plants.
I have a very easy meatless lasagna recipe. It doesn't have a lot of veggies, but it's made with pesto: ';lasagne al pesto';.

On each layer (6 in all) you smear a bit of pesto, drizzle some bechamel (white sauce with a bit of nutmeg in it), and sprinkle some parmesan cheese (except on the top layer: I add the parmesan in the last 5 minutes of the baking time there). It's delicate and sooooo yummy.

Sorry I can't tell you the exact quantities, because it will depend on how big your pan is, for one thing.

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