Thursday, December 24, 2009

What's a good vegetarian beef lasagna recipe?

I have company coming over soon, and I need it asap!What's a good vegetarian beef lasagna recipe?
Good one! hahaha.What's a good vegetarian beef lasagna recipe?


12 sheets of lasagne, precooked in boiling water, then drained

sliced tomatoes, to garnish

Milanese Tomato Sauce:

陆tbsp/23ml olive oil

1 onion, chopped

4 garlic cloves, crushed

1 green pepper, cored, deseeded and diced

4oz/125g field mushrooms (porcini if possible), chopped

8 basil leaves, torn into pieces

2 tsp dried oregano

1 bay leaf

6floz/175g full-bodied vegetarian red wine

2 tbsp tomato pur茅e

14oz/2 x 425g cans chopped tomatoes

8oz/250g fresh tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and chopped


2tbsp/30ml extra virgin olive oil

1 large aubergine, quartered

2 large courgettes, quartered

1 large red pepper, cored, deseeded and quartered

1 large yellow pepper cored, deseeded and quartered

1 fennel bulb, quartered

4 shallots or small onions, halved

1 tbsp dried thyme or similar herb

fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cheese Sauce:

1录pints/750ml milk

3oz/75g butter

2oz/50g unbleached plain white flour

1 free-range egg yolk (optional)

2oz/50g vegetarian Gorgonzola, Dolcelatte or Stilton cheese, grated

2oz/50g mature vegetarian Cheddar cheese, grated

2oz/50g vegetarian Mozzarella cheese, grated

陆 tsp cayenne pepper

2tbsp/30ml soured cream (optional)

fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Make the tomato sauce well in advance.

Heat the oil in a pan, saut茅e the onion until soft then add the rest of the vegetables and herbs and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Add the wine and cook gently to reduce by half.

Stir in the tomato puree quickly followed hy the canned and fresh tomatoes.

Bring to the boil then gently simmer for at least 1 hour (2 hours would be better).

Set the sauce aside to cool, then refrigerate.

2. The filling is simple to make.

Brush a baking sheet with olive oil; brush each piece of vegetable with oil and arrange on the baking sheet. Season with dried herbs, salt and pepper.

Roast in a pre-heated oven, 200掳C/400掳F/Gas Mark 6, until cooked, about 40-60 minutes. Set aside to cool.

When cool, you may wish to cut the vegetables further - I prefer them chunky myself.

3. Make the cheese sauce by warming the milk in a large heavy saucepan.

Melt the butter in another saucepan, add the flour and cook for a few minutes without letting it colour.

Then gradually add the warmed milk, stirring constantly to keep the mixture smooth.

When all the milk has been added let the sauce simmer very gently for about 10 minutes.

Stir in the egg yolk, if using, cheeses and seasoning and remove from the heat.

Add the soured cream and adjust the seasoning, it necessary.

4. To assemble the lasagne, brush the bottom of a 3 litre (5 pint) ovenproof dish generously with olive oil.

Place 4 sheets of lasagne on the bottom of the dish and top with half of the tomato sauce, half of the roasted vegetables and one-third of the cheese sauce.

Top this with 4 more sheets of lasagne and repeat the process until you have one-third of the cheese sauce left, with which to top the remaining layer of lasagne.

Garnish with the tomato slices.

5. Place in a preheated oven, 180掳C/350掳F/Gas mark 4 and bake for about 45-55 minutes, or until the top is golden.

Allow the lasagne to stand for 10 minutes betore serving with the Grilled Salad and Swiss Chard.

Lentil Lasagne

Chef: Launceston Nutritionist Maree Taylor

Serves 6

Degree of difficulty: Medium

Preparation time:1 hour

Cooking time: 25 minutes

You need:

1 cup (185g) red or brown lentils

2 1/4 cups water

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 large onion, sliced

1 tablespoon chopped garlic chives (or 1 clove crushed garlic)

2 cups prepared tomato spaghetti sauce or 2 cups tomato puree

1 cup sliced mushrooms

1 cup sliced zucchini

1 cup grated carrot

2 teaspoons dried oregano

240g instant lasagne noodles

500g ricotta cheese

1/2 cup reduced-fat grated cheese

1 teaspoon paprika


Cook lentils in water, covered, for 25 minutes or until water has been absorbed (or microwave, covered, on high for 12 minutes).

Heat oil and gently cook onion until soft.

Add garlic chives, sauce, vegetables and oregano.

Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes (or microwave on high for 10-12 minutes).

Add lentils and stir well.

In a greased shallow casserole dish, place one third of vegetable mixture.

Top with a layer of noodles and one third of the ricotta.

Repeat layers twice.

Sprinkle with cheese and paprika.

Bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes
try a vegetable lasagna recipie and add yves veggie ground round to it.
Recipe Makeover-Vegan Lasagna (with veggie beef)

1 (9 ounce) box no-boil lasagna noodles

5 cups marinara sauce, homemade (or your favorite)

For the ricotta layer

1 lb firm tofu, drained and pressed

2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 teaspoons olive oil

1 garlic clove, minced

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup nutritional yeast flakes

10 fresh basil leaves, chopped fine

fresh black pepper, to taste

for the meat

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, minced

2 tablespoons italian seasoning (to taste)

crushed red pepper flakes, to taste (optional)

1 cup textured vegetable protein (TVP)

1 cup hot vegetable stock

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

2 tablespoons tamari or Braggs liquid aminos

1 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach, thawed and drained

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1. Preheat oven to 375.

2. For the Tofu Ricotta (see also my recipe 279343):.

3. In a large bowl, mush the tofu up with your hands, till it's crumbly.

4. Add lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper and basil.

5. Mush with hands again, this time you want it to get very mushy so squeeze through your fingers and mush until it reaches the consistency of ricotta cheese. May take 2-5 minutes.

6. Add olive oil, stir with fork (olive oil is sticky).

7. Add nutritional yeast and combine all ingredients well.

8. Cover and refigerate until ready to use.

9. For the ';meat'; layer:.

10. In a large pan over medium heat, saute the chopped onions in the olive oil until slightly tender.

11. Add garlic and saute until fragrant.

12. Add the dried italian seasoning and crushed red pepper, if using, and stir to coat onions/garlic evenly.

13. Next add the dried textured vegetable protein (TVP). It will begin to absorb ALL the liquid in the pan.

14. Add a spash or two of the vegetable stock and stir to coat all the TVP with the garlic/onions.

15. Next add the tamari, which will give the TVP it's darker color.

16. Stir to coat, add the nutritional yeast then slowly add the vegetable broth, and slowly stir as the liquid absorbs.

17. Lower the heat and let simmer for 5-7 minutes.

18. Add the chopped spinach and stir to incorporate evenly.

19. Keep mixture on low until ready to assemble.

20. Layer you lasagna as you wish.

21. If using the ';no boke'; noodles, be sure to use plenty of sauce on each layer to soak into the dry sheets.

22. 1-2 cups sauce on the bottom of pan, layer of dry noodles, layer of 1/2 ';meat'; spinach mixture, layer of sauce.

23. Then layer of noodles, layer of vegan ricotta, layer of sauce.

24. Layer of noodles, layer of second 1/2 of ';meat'; spinach mixture, layer of sauce, then top with noodles and sauce.

25. Cover with foil and bake in oven for 1 hour.

26. Remove and let sit for 20 minutes before serving.

27. Can be topped with vegan ';parmesan cheese';.
I like to substitue the meat in lasagna with spinach it's called florentine lasagna and it's really good.

Here is Olive Garden's recipe

1 pound Fresh spinach

1 pound Fresh mushrooms -- chop coarse

1 cup Onion -- chopped

10 milliliters Garlic -- minced

2 tablespoons Olive oil

3 cups Ricotta cheese

1 2/3 cups Parmesan cheese -- divide

1 Egg

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Black pepper

3/4 teaspoon Dried basil

3/4 teaspoon Dried oregano

16 Lasagna noodles

4 1/2 cups Mozzarella cheese -- shredded

Mariana sauce or tomato-Cream sauce as desired

Extra Parmesan cheese

Steam spinach until tender; press out excess moisture and chop coarsely. Chop mushrooms and onions and mince garlic over medium-high heat until onions are tender; drain excess liquid and cool. Mix ricotta cheese, 2/3 cup Parmesan, egg, salt, pepper, basil and oregano in large bowl. Add cooled spinach and mushroom-onion mixture and mix on low speed until just blended. Cook lasagna according to package directions; rinse under cool water and drain thoroughly. Place four lasagna strips in bottom of lightly oiled 9x13'; pan, overlapping slightly. Top with 2 c of spinach filling.

Sprinkle with 1-1/2 c shredded cheese and 1/3 c Parmesan. Repeat layering two more times and top with remaining four lasagna strips. Spread 1 cup of Mariana or tomato-cream sauce over top and cover tightly with foil. Preheat oven to 350掳F and bake, covered, for 1 hour. Remove from oven and keep warm at least 30 minutes before cutting. Top with extra Parmesan cheese.

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